
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

We believe that everything we have has been provided by our gracious God. We give of our resources back to Him as an act of worship. It is a concrete way to affirm the truth that everything we are and have belongs to God. It is a declaration of dependence.

As God’s people give toward the mission he’s given us, we are able to fund what God is doing at CBC and around the world!

Ways To Give

Give Online

Click the button to give securely online or use the Church Center app Giving tab.

Give In Person

You can give during the offering portion of our Sunday morning Worship Service by dropping your donation into the basket as it is passed. Offering envelops are available upon request at the Welcome Desk. You may also deposit donations into the donation box in the lobby near the Welcome Desk. Donations may also be dropped in our mailbox at the Ministry Center office entrance.

Mail A Check

Donations may be made by mail at…
Community Bible Church
P.O. Box 1290
Trenton, MI 48183

Leave a Legacy

At CBC we desire to be a sending church for the Lord’s mission, like those we find in the New Testament. The Book of Acts describes four ‘epicenter’ churches—Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephesus, and Rome—who used their resources to expand Christ’s work to regions beyond. Those resources are both human and financial, requiring effective outreach that produces disciples, and material stewardship that provides the necessary capital. Therefore, we’ve created The Legacy Fund through which God’s people can leave a legacy that supports epicenter ministries, the ripple effects of which continue long after our service on earth is completed.

Legacy Fund Ministries

Church Planting & Revitalization

Scripture says “We are co-laborers in God’s service” (1 Corinthians 3:9) so the Church Colaborative seeks to train, deploy, and fund workers who will plant new churches and revitalize existing ones. Christ’s mission moves forward as churches proliferate and thrive. The Legacy Fund enables us to send planters and revitalizers to our community, surrounding area, and abroad.

Road to Maturity

Only healthy churches can reproduce and churches are only as healthy as the people who comprise them. But the Christian walk takes place on an uneven road of potential pitfalls that can derail our progress. People often find these ‘exit ramps’ during the natural transitions of life and so can be helped by proactive preparation before a marriage, first child, junior high, young adulthood, midlife, empty nest, and retirement. The collective wisdom of God’s church through classroom training, recommended reading, and biblical support groups can help keep one on the road to Christlike maturity. The Legacy Fund finances the seminars, resources and publications for this ministry.

Biblical Counseling Center

The Community Biblical Counseling Center provides reactive ministry, giving aid in times of crisis caused by our respons- es to life in a fallen world—anxiety, marital strife, depression, conflict and anger, abuse, addictive behaviors, etc. The Center serves both in-reach within our congregation and outreach into our community. The Legacy Fund supports the training and sustenance of counselors and, at times, counselees who are unable to contribute to their care.

Community Cares Ministries

Pro-ALL-of-life mercy ministries such as our crisis pregnancy center, adoption assistance, food and clothing, make contacts for the gospel and lend credibility to our message of the love of Christ. The Legacy Fund makes these possible.

From Impact To Epicenter

Ways to Leave a Legacy:

While every church, no matter its location or size, should seek to make an impact on the lives of those in its sphere of influence, not all can be an epicenter ministry. But in God’s providence some can indeed go beyond essential operating and ministry requirements (utilities, regular pastoral and missionary support, staple educational ministries, etc.) to expand beyond themselves. The Legacy Fund finances these additional ministries and opportunities, and the capital investments necessitated by the growth they facilitate.

Please prayerfully consider leaving a legacy in your estate planning—will, trust, or insurance policy—or give to the Fund now and see what your generosity can do in the lives of those to whom it will minister. 
Checks with “Legacy Fund” in the memo field may be mailed to:
Community Bible Church
P.O. Box 1290
Trenton, MI 48183

Or give online using one of the methods below:
The Legacy Fund is administered by Community Bible Church of Trenton, MI, an IRS-recognized 501c3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

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